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50 pin IDC male connector layout
Разъем 50 pin IDC male
Ribbon cable connects controller to one to four drives. Each drive has a 50 pin IDC edge connector.
Pin Name Dir Description
2 /REDWC <-- Reduced Write Current
4 n/c - Reserved
6 n/c - Reserved
8 n/c - Reserved
10 /FD2S <-- Disk is two sided
12 /DCG <-- Disk has been changed/door open
14 /SIDE --> Side select
16 /DLOCK --> Door lock
18 /HLD --> Head load
20 /INDEX <-- Index Pulse
22 /READY <-- Ready
24 n/c - Not connected
26 /SEL1 <-- Select Drive 1
28 /SEL2 <-- Select Drive 2
30 /SEL3 <-- Select Drive 3
32 /SEL4 <-- Select Drive 4
34 /DIR --> Direction
36 /STEP --> Step
38 /WDAT --> Write data
40 /WGAT --> Write gate
42 /TR00 <-- Track 00 (Zero)
44 /WPROT <-- Write protect
46 /RDATA <-- Read data
48 n/c - Not connected
50 n/c - Not connected

Note: Direction is Computer relative Diskdrive.
Note: All odd pins are GND, Ground.

Pinout matches Radio SHack Model II FDC (except the Model II doesn't use DLOCK Pin 16.

На распиновку 8-Inch floppy Disk есть 3 отзыв(а): 2 положительных и 1 отрицательных.

Эта распиновка
Источник(и) этой и дополнительной информации: Hardware Book, Dennis Painter
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