Pinouts >  VGA, DVI, S-Video and other video connectors  >  Apple pinouts
15 pin D-SUB female connector layout
15 pin D-SUB female connector
used in the Macintosh II High-Resolution Video Card, Macintosh II Extended High-Resolution Video Card, and Macintosh Display Cards 4?8, 8?24, and 8?24GC, second version of the Macintosh II portrait Video Card.
Pin Name Description
1RED.GNDRed ground
2RED.VIDRed video signal
3/CSYNCComposite synchronization signal
4MON.ID1Monitor ID bit 1
5GRN.VIDGreen video signal
6GRN.GNDGreen ground
7MON.ID2Monitor ID bit 2
8n/cNot connected
9BLU.VIDBlue video signal
10MON.ID3Monitor ID bit 3
12/VSYNCVertical synchronization signal
13BLU.GNDBlue ground
15/HSYNCHorizontal synchronization signal
ShellCHASSIS.GNDChassis ground
15 pin D-SUB male connector layout
15 pin D-SUB male connector
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Source(s) of this and additional information: Technote HW08: Color monitor Connections at Apple Technical Notes, from Hardware Book
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