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25 pin D-SUB female connector layout
Разъем 25 pin D-SUB female
This port is located in SUN Sparcs such as SUN LX/Classic/SS4/5/10/20 and has both serial ports (A/B) in the same connector. Simply plugging in a regular serial cable in results in accessing port A.
Pin Name Port Dir Description
2 TXD A --> Transmit Data
3 RXD A <-- Receive Data
4 RTS A --> Request to Send
5 CTS A <-- Clear to Send
6 DSR A <-- Data Set Ready
7 GND - - System Ground
8 CD A <-- Carrier Detect
11 DTR B --> Data Terminal Ready
12 CD B <-- Carrier Detect
13 CTS B <-- Clear to Send
14 TXD B --> Transmit Data
15 TC A --> Transmit Clock from DCE, usually not used
16 RXD B <-- Receive Data
17 RC A <-- Receive Clock from DCE, usually not used
18 TC B --> Transmit Clock from DCE, usually not used
19 RTS B --> Request to Send
20 DTR A --> Data Terminal Ready
21 TCO A --> Transmit Clock from DTE, usually not used.
25 TCO B --> Transmit Clock from DTE, usually not used.
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Эта распиновка
Источник(и) этой и дополнительной информации: SUN Field Engineer Handbook, VolumeII, 12/15/93, from Niklas Edmundsson
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