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24 pin DZM 12 DREH connector layout
Разъем 24 pin DZM 12 DREH
Available on the Commodore C64/C128. Software emulated. The signals does not have true RS232 levels. It's TTL level, and RXD/TXD is inverted. It's just the normal User port, used as a RS232 port.
Pin Name RS232 Description
A GND GND Protective Ground
B+C FLAG2+PB0 RxD Receive Data (Must be applied to both pins!)
D PB1 RTS Ready To Send
E PB2 DTR Data Terminal Ready
F PB3 RI Ring Indicator
H PB4 DCD Data Carrier Detect
K PB6 CTS Clear To Send
L PB7 DSR Data Set Ready
M PA2 TxD Transmit Data
N GND GND Signal Ground
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Эта распиновка
Источник(и) этой и дополнительной информации: Usenet posting in comp.sys.cbm, Help on modem - c64 by Lasher Glenn, Commodore 64 Programmer´s Reference Guide, from Hardware Book, Arwin Vosselman, Mark Sokos
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