Pinouts >  ATX, WTX and other standard and proprietary power supply (PSU) cables connectors  >  obsolete computers pinouts
5 pin SQUARE female connector layout
5 pin SQUARE female connector
Available at the Commodore 128.
Pin Name Description I
1 +5VDC +5V DC 2.5A
2 n/c    
3 9VAC 9V AC 1.0A
4 GND Ground  
5 9VAC 9V AC 1.0A

Note: The C128 power supply input is identical in shape to that of the Amiga 500/600/1200, but they are *not* compatible. Using The C128:s PSU on an Amiga or vice versa will most likely kill your hardware!!!!!!!

Comment: The table is correct. The pinout diagram is incorrect. Pin 3 and 4 and 1 and 2 are reversed. That is, pin 3 should be top left, 4 top right, 2 bottom left, and 1 bottom right.

According to 8 reports in our database (6 positive and 1 negative) the C128 Power Supply pinout should be correct.

Is this pinout
Source(s) of this and additional information: NT Rautanen Tietokonesivut: Commodore
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