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Atari 5200 Expansion connector

Pin Name
1 +5 VDC
2 Audio Out (2 port)
3 Ground
4 R/W Early
5 Enable E0-EF
6 D6
7 D4
8 D2
9 D0
10 IRQ
11 Ground
12 Serial Data In
13 Serial In Clock
14 Serial Out Clock
15 Serial Data Out
16 Audio In
17 A14
18 System Clock 01
19 A11
20 A7
21 A6
22 A5
23 A4
24 A3
25 A2
26 A1
27 A0
28 Ground
29 D1
30 D3
31 D5
32 D7
33 Not connected
34 Ground
35 Not connected
36 +5 VDC

Atari 7800 Expansion connector

 Gnd   +5v  CVideo MLum0 Mlum3 Blank OscDis ExtMen Gnd
--1-- --2--  --3-- --4-- --5-- --6-- --7-- ---8-- --9--

-18-- -17--  -16-- -15-- -14-- -13-- -12-- --11-- -10--
 Gnd  Audio   Rdy   MCol MLum2 MLum1 Msync  Clk2  ExtOsc
Pin Name Description
1 GND Ground
2 +5V +5 VDC
3 CVIDEO Input to RF modulator (Video+Audio)
4 MLUM0 Maria Luminance Bit 0
5 MLUM3 Maria Luminance Bit 3
6 BLANK Blanking output
7 OSCDIS Disable 14.31818 MHz Master Clock
8 EXTMEN External Maria Enable Input
9 GND Ground
10 EXTOSC External clock to replace Master Clock
11 CLK2 Phase 2 Clock from the 6502
12 MSYNC Maria Composite Sync
13 MLUM1 Maria Luminance Bit 1
14 MLUM2 Maria Luminance Bit 2
15 MCOL Maria Color Phase Angle
16 RDY Input to the 6502
17 AUDIO Audio
18 GND Ground
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Эта распиновка
Источник(и) этой и дополнительной информации: Classic Atari 2600/5200/7800 Game Systems FAQ, from Hardware Book
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