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12 pin Siemens Slim Lumberg cell phone proprietary connector layout
Разъем 12 pin Siemens Slim Lumberg cell phone proprietary
full pinout for Siemens A52, A55, A56, A60, A65, AL21, AX75, AX72, C55, C56, C60, C62, C65, C70, C75, CF62, CF75, CFX65, CL75, CT56, CX65, CX70, CX75, CXT65, CXT70, CXV65, CXV70, M55, M65, MC60, M75, MT55, ME75, S55, S56, S57, S65, S75, SL5C, SL55, SL56, SL65, SK65, SF65, SP65, 1168, 2218, SX1. also for Xelibri-1, Xelibri-2, Xelibri-3, Xelibri-4, Xelibri-5, Xelibri-6, Xelibri-7, Xelibri-8
Mobile phone interface pin Siemens x55 and other old Siemens x65, x75, SX1 Description
1 Vin Power Charging Vbus in in SX1, SL65, SF65 and others x65, x75
2 Gnd GND usb GND in x65, x75, SX1 USB cable
3 Tx TX / USB D+ usb D+ in x65, x75, SX1
4 Rx RX / USB D- usb D- in x65, x75, SX1
5 CTS CTS Data Line For Accessory. Used as a cable detect in Siemens x65-x75 models. Short to pin 2 GND to force cable detection.
6 RTS RTS Data Line For Accessory or serial cable
7 DCD DCD Clockline For Accessory
8 Audio P AUDIO L  
10 Audio N AUDIO R  
11 GND Mic GND (EXT MIC.)  
12 EPP EPP 1 (EXT MIC.)  

Pins 5,6,7 should be shorted by 10KOhm resistors to pin 2 in x65, SX1 USB cable.

На распиновку Siemens A52, A55, A56, A60, A65, AL21, AX75, AX72, C55, C56, C60, C62, C65, C70, C75, CF62, CF75, CFX65, CL75, CT56, CX65, CX70, CX75, CXT65, CXT70, CXV65, CXV70, M55, M65, MC60, M75, MT55, ME75, S55, S56, S57, S65, S75, SL5C, SL55, SL56, SL65, SK65, SF65, SP65, 1168, 2218, SX1 cell phones cable connector есть 26 отзыв(а): 23 положительных и 3 отрицательных.

Эта распиновка
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