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12 pin Nokia 8110 cell phone proprietary connector layout
Разъем 12 pin Nokia 8110 cell phone proprietary
full pinout
Pin Name Description
1 GND Charger/System Ground
2 V_OUT Accessory Output Supply. (3.4V...10V - 50mA)
3 XMIC External Microphone Input and Accessory Identification
4 EXT_RF External RF Control Input
5 TX FBUS Transmit (N/C in 1610?)
6 MBUS Serial Control Bus
7 BENA Not Connected
8 SGND Signal Ground
9 XEAR External Speaker and Mute Control
10 Hook Hook Signal
11 RX FBUS Receive (N/C in 1610?)
12 V_IN Charging Supply Voltage (Max 16V)

XMIC: External Microphone Input and Accessory Identification

U low U high Description
1.15 V 1.4 V Compact Handsfree Unit Connected
1.7 V 2.05 Headset Adapter Connected
2.22 V 2.56 V Infra Red Link Conneceted

EXT_RF: External RF Control Input

U low U high Description
0.0 V 0.5 V External RF in use
2.4 V 3.2 V Internal Antenna in use

MBUS: Serial Control Bus

U low U high Description
0.0 V 0.5 V Logic Low Level
2.4 V 3.2 V Logic High Level

XEAR: External Speaker and Mute Control

U low U high Description
0.0 V 0.5 V Mute ON (HF Speaker Mute)
1.0 V 1.7 V Mute OFF (HF Speaker Active)

Hook: Hook Signal

U low U high Description
0.0 V 0.5 V Hook Off (Handset in Use)
2.4 V 3.2 V Hook On (Handset in Use)


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Эта распиновка
Источник(и) этой и дополнительной информации: Hardware Book
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