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11 pin HTC ExtUSB jack connector layout
Разъем 11 pin HTC ExtUSB jack
HTC Chineese clone headphones adaptor (tested on T3238+)


Pin Number Pin Name
1 +5V
2 -Data
3 +Data
7 Antenna
10 Left
11 Right

I needed to make myself an 3.5mm adaptor to hook up my earphones. As I have HTC clone, original pinout haven't worked for me. So one day I decided to find out myself. Success-Failure method uncovered bit different pinout of the clone. Hope Stal-ker won't mind me using his previous schematics. This schematics will work with T3238+ clone (mine has PXA300 CPU), but as there might be more versions of the phone (even tough it's said that MoBo's are mostly the same) it might not work on other clones (T4242 etc.). Don't have any to test it on. All is on your risk! (but for me it works)

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